When you find out at 38.5 weeks that your baby is breech | Birth story of Ellie
Birth story of Ellie is just another proof of women having super powers that we are not always aware of until we need to use them
When you find out at 38.5 weeks that your baby is breech | Birth story of Ellie
5 years into motherhood, 5 habits from my pregnancy that I've been using ever since..
Prenatal yoga & HypnoBirthing - video for home practice
Why you should buy a sitting ball when pregnant..
How to adapt your yoga practice when pregnant..
Practices to start early in your pregnancy (prenatal yoga and more)
Pregnancy yoga sequence for home practice (with a 'cheat sheet'!)
Breathing and yoga for labor - my top five..
5 prenatal yoga practices to deal with lower back pain in pregnancy
My 6 favorite yoga poses for pregnancy
Pregnancy yoga anytime anywhere!
My birthing story